Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo José Mª Moreno Galván


The José María Galván Contemporary Art Museum is housed in an ancient 16th-century public granary, of which the original arcade is preserved. After being used as a prison, warehouse and even a National School, in the 1930s, where José María and Francisco Moreno Galván studied, in 1982, the Town Council of La Puebla de Cazalla decided to convert it into a cultural centre, in a posthumous tribute to José María Moreno Galván.

The Museum opened in 1995, in honour of the intellectual and humanitarian work of José Mª Moreno Galván and his invaluable contribution to art criticism in Spain in 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, with the invaluable assistance of various groups.     

The Museum’s exhibition is organised in three areas. The ground floor is designed exclusively for temporary exhibitions in different art forms, such as paintings, drawings, engravings, sculptures, photography, video art, performances and others. The first floor houses most of the permanent collection of the Museum, which includes works by national and international avant-garde and post-avant-garde artists, with a higher presence of Andalusian artists. Finally, the two towers on the second floor are dedicated to Francisco Moreno Galván and Diego Ruiz Cortés. The exhibits of the former include paintings, drawings, flamenco posters and lyrics to flamenco songs and those of the latter show his evolution from figurative to geometric art. 

Moreover, the Museum also screens the documentaries “José María Moreno Galván. Self-criticism of art” and “Francisco Moreno Galván. The essence of Jondo”, in a loop. 



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