Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Lime Museum


The Lime Museum is located at the heart of the area known as "Las Caleras de la Sierra", in Morón de la Frontera.

The village is registered in the General Catalogue of Andalusian Historical Heritage as an Asset of Cultural Interest, under the heading of Site of Ethnological Interest.

This museum occupies a large area of 3,000 m2. Visitors can see two fully restored, traditional 19th century lime kilns and a shed called "Del Calero" built at about the same time and made with materials from the period.
Both the shed and all the buildings in the museum retain the decoration and utensils characteristic of the period.

The museum has an interpretation centre and projection room, where visitors will learn first-hand the whole process of lime production and how its impact on Andalusian culture has made it a world-famous symbol of the region's identity.
The tour of the museum is led by experts in the field, people who have worked as "caleros" (lime makers), who convey to visitors the richness of this centuries-old culture and the importance of preserving and disseminating this heritage.



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