Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

San Roque Parish Church


San Roque Parish Church is located in the Plaza Mártires del Pueblo in the Sevillian town of Las Cabezas de San Juan.

The church was built in 1955-1967, on the site of the old Shrine to San Roque.

It is a functional, modern church, with the main façade at the west end that is elevated several steps above the street level. An austere two-level portal, framed by unadorned double pilasters, takes up the façade. Above the entrance rises a simple, two-level bell gable with openings for bells. The façade is crowned by a small iron cross.

Highlights inside include the high altar with the titular images of the Confraternity of the Nazarene, Our Father Jesus the Nazarene, Our Most Holy Lady of Anguish and St John the Evangelist.

Also noteworthy are the sculptures of Our Lady of Carmen, the patron saint of the parish and the namesake Confraternity, Saint Anne with the Child Jesus in her arms from the first third of the 18th century, attributed to José Montes de Oca, and an image of Christ tied to Post from the School of Pedro Roldán.


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