Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

San Blas Church


The San Blas Church was built in the first half of the 16th century and renovated in the 18th century. It consists of a single rectangular nave with five sections separated by four transversal semi-circular arches and a square apse accessed through a lowered ogee arch. 

The building is covered with a contemporary, gabled except in the presbytery, which has a ribbed vault with diagonal ribs. At the foot of the nave is an 18th-century entrance with a semi-circular opening between pilasters, capped with a plain entablature and a straight, broken pediment. There is another entrance on the right wall from the 16th century. It consists of a semi-circular arch flanked by Tuscan half-columns on tall pedestals and a continuous, plain entablature crowned by a triangular pediment. 

The main altar is dedicated to the patron saint of the village, Saint Blaise. This image is contemporary, as is the statue Our Lady of the Rosary, the other patron saint. The two paintings that grace its walls are older: the Annunciation (17th century) and Our Lady of Sorrows (19th century).


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