Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Ruins of the Nuestra Señora de la Hiedra Chapel


This is a monument of great interest although unfortunately only the outer walls remain, including a doorway that, according to tradition, belonged to the now defunct monastery of San Francisco and which has a simple Renaissance design attributed to Hernán Ruiz II himself, who was involved in the design of the parish church tower.

One of its spandrels dates from the year 1570. The belfry, with a curious asymmetrical design, has also been preserved. However, only very deteriorated fragments of its interior walls remain. At present it is completely in ruins.

It is located on the outskirts of the town, with several properly signposted access routes. It can be reached along the recently rehabilitated Sendero del Chorrillo, from which you can observe the old Fuente del Chorrillo, which in its day must have been of great importance to the town given the volume of its construction, although at present it only has water if rainfall has been particularly abundant.


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