Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

La Fontana Fountain


The La Fontana Fountain in Badolatosa, as its name suggests, is located in the La Fontana stream. 

According to oral tradition, in the stream there were some big boulders from which the water flowed into a natural basin that was constantly overflowing.

It was the custom of the town' s women to go and fetch water, which they would scoop up in a little jar to fill up their pitchers.

The water was renowned for its quality and to prevent animals from entering, an iron door was installed with a pipe to fill the pitchers. Later, the water was channelled closer to the village and a kind of pillar was built so that the water would not be wasted. From this fountain, the women collected water for washing and the animals drank.

This fountain was moved to the small square where it is located today. It has two taps decorated with green and white tiles and the flag of Spain.


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