Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Hacienda Porzuna


Different cultures and civilisations settled in this olive-growing estate of artistic interest. It borders to the south with Valle Blanco, next to the Porzuna Stream, and to the north with the San Juan-Palomares road.

The buildings, with a simple, rural architectural style, is accessed through a small entrance topped by a bell gable and three small, decorative merlons. The buildings are arranged around an irregular courtyard. To the right stand the foreman’s former house and the primary residence with its own patio and a lovely garden and orchard. To the left of the entrance is the old oil mill that opens onto a third courtyard, around which are other ancillary buildings. The simple counterweight tower with a gabled tile roof is decorated with three small merlons and a Cross of Lorraine. Several cellars, possibly from the Moorish period, have been preserved.

A deep open trench dug to lay water pipes outside the estate revealed the archaeological sequence of the different settlements that existed here. Particularly noteworthy were the Roman and Moorish layers with abundant pottery objects.

The former estate has been completely restored and is now home to the employment office of the Mairena del Aljarafe Town Council.


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