Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Hacienda de Myro


The Hacienda is located between the village church and the path leading to the fountain, at the edge of the cornice overlooking the river. Although the interior has been extensively renovated, it still preserves the facade, possibly from the seventeenth century, the chapel and the tower capped with a lookout that is accessed through the attic. Behind the Hacienda is a baroque garden with a viewpoint overlooking the river.

The courtyard had a waterwheel that supplied water to the farmhouse and a pond in the garden. To the left of the yard is the oil mill, with three naves separated by arches on rectangular pilasters with bevelled corners in the Mudejar tradition. It has a neoclassical counterweight tower with a triangular pediment and a brick roof with five ceramic trims. The year 1770 is engraved in the lintel. The rest of the Estate has been demolished.

Its name MYRO appears to be taken from a Roman tombstone found in a field near the farmhouse that belongs to the private collection of Virginio Carvajal, which reads: “M. FABIVS MYRO H.S.A.”. (Source: Seville’s Official Association of Architects)

Its location probably coincides with the farmhouse that, during the Partition of Seville, King Alfonso X named after the Guard.


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