Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Divino Salvador Parish Church


The parish church, originally small in size, was built in the early 17th century. The church was named the Parish Church of Nuestro Señor San Salvador. Rebuilding work began in 1774. The new building, with a greater capacity than the previous one, was finished three years later. Major renovations were carried out in 1903, after the church had been closed for several years due to its dilapidated condition.

The building has a Latin cross floor plan. The various chapels inside the church are housed between the buttresses, to which Tuscan pilasters have been attached. The tower is located on the southwest side of the gable wall and is composed of two sections and a capital topped by a small cupola.

The slender tower of about 20 metres in height gives beauty and harmony to the ensemble. The church has a total surface area of 565 square metres.

The main baroque chestnut wood altarpiece dates from the first third of the 18th century and consists of a bench, a main body of three sections separated by Solomonic columns and an attic. This altarpiece contains baroque images of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Joseph with the child Jesus, both 90 cm high. In the centre, is the 130 cm high polychrome image of the Divine Saviour.

The font, with a diameter of 0.65 m, is made of limestone in the form of a mortar. The base that supports it is lined with 18th century Sevillian tiles. The 64 cm image of the baby Jesus that completes the ensemble is from the same period.


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