Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Count of Valhermoso Palace


The Count of Valhermoso Palace is the most outstanding example of Ecija’s Renaissance palaces. The Marquises of Fuentes and Villaseca commissioned its construction in the 16th century in Renaissance style. It likely dates from around 1530. It boasts the best Plateresque-style entrance in Ecija, which consists of an impressive semi-circular arch. The door is fitted into a basket arch framed by pilasters and embellished with the Noble Savage as supporters on both sides. The second level has a large balcony flanked by two allegorical sculptures and topped by a carved triangular pediment. 

The upper level of the façade has an open gallery of semi-circular arches on columns. The ensemble has a typical Renaissance decoration based on grottos and candelieri. 

Inside the building is a sumptuous staircase decorated with plasterwork from the 18th century leading to the upper floor. The altarpiece of Our Lady of the Valley on the landing is particularly noteworthy.

Finally, highlights on the façade include trompe l’oeil windows; however, they are in a parlous state of preservation.


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