turismo activo

Active tourism

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Cycle touring route: Las Cabezas de San Juan / Coria del Río


We will start the route on Avenida Dr. Fleming in Las Cabezas de San Juan until we reach a roundabout. We will have to turn right on Calle Blas Infante. After 100 metres we come to a crossroads where we must continue straight on along the Avenida de Jesús Nazareno, where we leave Las Cabezas and take the SE-5208 road.

Once on the SE-5208 we continue for 6 kilometres until, after crossing the Seville-Cádiz dual carriageway, we reach a roundabout where we must always look for the direction of San Leandro SE9017, where, after a straight stretch and arriving at San Leandro, we must make a ninety degree turn to turn right across a stream, after which we turn left and cross a track that is not asphalted, but is made of compacted earth.

We will continue along it for 5 kilometres until it ends and then turn right onto a tarmac road in poor condition.

We will continue along this road for about 2 kilometres until the road itself bends to the right and then shortly afterwards to the left, crossing a watercourse and the bed of a stream.

Once across, we will turn left, being a factory on the left. Just after this, the road splits in two, leaving a row of eucalyptus trees in the middle. We will have to go to the left, leaving the trees on our right along an unpaved but very wide road for 1,500 metres, to take the first exit on our left.

We will not leave this path at any time, although we will find different paths on either side. The one we will go for is the main one in width.

We will come to an abandoned factory that the path itself borders and 200 metres further on, after crossing a canal, we will come to a group of abandoned buildings, where we will have to turn left.

After a short while we will come across the River Guadalquivir on our left, and the road will be asphalted again. We continue along this road until we come to a turning to Coria on the left on the SE-3300, we will drive for 6 kilometres and arrive at the Barcaza de Coria del Río.

It must be highlighted the Paraje Brazo del Este, a place to study and watch birds, and the Barcaza de Coria del Río, which facilitates the continuous crossing of the river.

Asphalt and compacted earth with a traffic volume of less than 500 vehicles per day and 1,000 to 2,000 on the section to the Coria barge.

URL Routometer
[{"nombre":"2016-12-12 15:08","coordenadas":[{"lat":36.985953,"lng":-5.9379978}]}]


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