
Seville enchants

This route starts at the first bus stop in Gerena, next to the Guardia Civil compound,. From this point, we take the  A-477  road until it crosses the Water Route. The route takes the path that leads to a quarry and, just before entering the quarry, turns right and zigzags up a rocky slope dotted by wild olive trees, Mediterranean dwarf palms, and thyme bushes.

This periurban park has a dense networks of path that circle or cross it. The proposed route starts at the entrance of the park and circles it counterclockwise. The first section consists on a narrow compacted earth pact that runs along the perimeter of this protected natural area, which is the home to several native plant species, mostly scrub and ornamental plants.

From the lower part of Villanueva del Río and Minas, the route descends further (following a signalled path) to the Huéznar River, crossing it. It is possible to park your car  a few metres ahead of the San Fernando quarter, for example next to the Lago del Mirador.

Las Navas de la Concepción

During the Middle Ages there were only cereal farms and livestock farms in this area, and it was not until 1557 that the monks of the Order of San Basilio established themselves in the area and were responsible for designing the layout of the streets of what is today the town.

This route has two main attractions: its ornithological interest and the pleasure of taking a walk across open fields.

This road starts at the bridge know as the Dragon Bridge. At their feet, and in the bank opposite to the castle there are two possible places to park the car, one to the right and another to the left, from where two possible routes start. These routes pass by 7 of the 9 flour mills that stand in the river banks and are preserved to this day.

The surroundings are hilly, at some points offering wide panoramic views of the dehesas (meadows), to which the name of this trail refers. Vegetable gardens and streams alternate with riverside vegetation.