
Seville enchants

This 18th-century Church (1745-1757) owes its name to the image of the Holy Christ of Mercy that presides over the high altar. 

The Alamedilla Fountain, also known as the Eight Spouts Fountain, is located in the Resolana Square, next to the Cristo de los Afligidos Park in Utrera. This old octagonal fountain with a roof shaped like a gazebo has been renovated. The roof, decorated with Sevillian tiles, is supported on eight semi-circular arches.

This arch is located on what was formerly known as Ecija's Gate, between Cervantes Square and Alfonso XII Street. Its origin dates back to 1796, as the upper inscription reads "Under the reign of Don Carlos IV and Doña María Luisa de Borbón. Year MDCCXCVI".

This typical baroque manor house is the epitome of local urban architecture in the 18th century. It was built by Alonso Ruiz Florindo, who modernised and improved his father’s style. The façade has a vertical portal with a balcony and viewpoint. However, the entrance is offset to the left, facing straight into San Sebastian Street, which runs perpendicular to Lora Street.

Known as “Las Gemelas”, these towers are the only structure standing of the Purísima Concepción Church that belonged to the former Barefoot Mercedarian Monastery, which was built in the 18th century. Following the secularisation, the property was transferred to the Town Council.

The Count of Valhermoso Palace is the most outstanding example of Ecija’s Renaissance palaces. The Marquises of Fuentes and Villaseca commissioned its construction in the 16th century in Renaissance style. It likely dates from around 1530. It boasts the best Plateresque-style entrance in Ecija, which consists of an impressive semi-circular arch.

The Pareja Palace belonged to knights surnamed Pareja. It is considered the typical traditional Ecijan building from the 17th-18th century. Following several renovations for different uses, several elements that had been transformed have recently been restored, including the courtyard, the stairwell and various rooms.