Cascadas del Hueznar

Seville enchants

This rectangular, single-nave building dates from the 18th century. This temple was semi-derelict until a few years ago when the local Ecce Homo was housed within, enkindling fervour among Lebrija’s inhabitants.

The Chapel of Our Father Jesus Captive, or simply the Chapel of the Captive, is located on the Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo Avenue (formerly, Avenida Ancha) in Las Cabezas de San Juan. 

It was built in the early 1990s (20th century). The exterior is symmetrical with three main façades. The central facade opens onto the square through a wide door finished with a semi-circular archivolt.

The chapel is the work of Evaristo Román. It was in the early twentieth century in the popular neighbourhood of La Almazara, over an old oil mill, next to the local municipal theatre.

It has a modern religious architecture and houses the images of the Confraternity of La Borriquita, which marches in procession on Palm Sunday:

The Confraternity of the True Cross in Brenes has several display cases in which they exhibit the valuables of the Confraternity. 

This is a multi-purpose complex designed by the architect Aurelio Gómez Millán in 1940, which has a wide range of uses (devotional, educational, funerary and recreational), originally conceived by Cardinal Pedro Segura Sáenz.

This chapel was built in 1511, probably as a charity hospital called Hospital de la Sangre. As with the chapel of La Soledad, the Vera Cruz Chapel underwent extensive renovation.