
Seville enchants

The Pinares de Aznalcázar is one of Seville’s forest areas with the highest ecological interest.

La Rinconada is an eminently agricultural town; therefore, it barely has space for natural vegetation. This increases the relevance of the riparian areas of the River Guadalquivir as it passes through this town, since some sections of the river are of high landscape and ecological value, with abundant riparian vegetation and associated fauna.

The Rivera de Huelva River rises in Badajoz, crosses the province of Huelva and enters the province of Seville through the Sierra de Aracena. Once in Seville, it runs through the towns of El Castillo de las Guardas and El Ronquillo, as well as Guillena and La Algaba, where it flows into the right side of the River Guadalquivir.

This Special Conservation Area (SCA) covers some 4,772 ha, mostly in the province of Seville. This site features prominently in the Andalusian Natura 2000 network owing to its special importance for the conservation of riparian habitats, certain fish species included in the Habitats Directive and, in general, the river ecosystem and the connectivity it provides as an ecological corridor.

The romantic poets Antonia Díaz and José Lamarque created a garden called La Alquería in Dos Hermanas, regarded by some as a "paradise on earth". An ample space in which personal and family life can be experienced and artistic activities can be developed surrounded by trees and plants.

The River Guadiamar rises at El Castillo de las Guardas and an affluent on the right bank of the River in the Doñana marshland.

This natural enclave is one of the most important in Europe. It is an extremely important wintering, migratory and breeding area for many bird species. Furthermore, it is one of the last havens for endangered wildlife species such as the Imperial eagle or the Iberian lynx.