

Art, feeling and tradition

Moda flamenca

The most vibrant regional costume

Flamenco maintains the tradition of its costumes and accessories, which evolve and change with the trends; one more piece of evidence that flamenco folklore is a living art. The sevillana or flamenco costume is the only regional costume that changes with the fashion.

Throughout the province you can find big and small fashion designers specialised in flamenco fashion in all its variations: gypsy costumes for the fairs, women’s riding costumes, short suits for men, fashion for processions and even for weddings. In Seville, getting married in flamenco dress is all the rage.

There is a wide range of accessories that cannot be lacking: manila shawls and small shawls, fans, tassels, ruffles and adornments, flowers, earrings (in Seville they are called sarcillos), shoes, petticoats, and an endless number of very flattering items.


63 enterprises to discover


Juan Luís Cayuela Guitarras Flamencas

Vicky Martín Berrocal Moda

Aurora Gaviño Moda Flamenca

Asunción Peña Moda Flamenca

Tienda Flamenca Sevilla

Coral Trajes de Flamenca

Polígono Industrial Parque Plata, Camino Empedrado, 1, 41900

+34 954 21 95 83

+34 636 60 21 71


Mª Gracia Rodríguez García Diseñadora Flamenca

Mi Bebesito Moda Flamenca Infantil

Francisco Alegre Trajes De Flamenca

Instrumentos Antonio Romero Guitarras

Estela de Anfer Complementos y Moda Flamenca

Polígono La Aurora, calle Industria, 1 41710

+34 954 86 45 34


Consolación Ayala Moda Flamenca

Ana Morón Diseño Flamenco

Molina Moda Flamenca

Ana Salas Moda y Diseño Flamenco