Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Basilica and Museum of La Macarena


The Basilica Menor de la Santísima María de la Esperanza Macarena is of modern construction and houses the most venerated image of Seville, a mid 17th century carving popularly known as La Macarena, and the interesting Museum where the different items of this popular Brotherhood are displayed.
On 18 March 1949, the Cardinal Archbishop of Seville, Pedro Segura y Sáenz, blessed the new temple intended to house the Brotherhood's patron saint images, which until then had been venerated in its chapel in the Parish of San Gil, which burned down in 1936.

It was declared a Minor Basilica in 1966 by His Holiness Pope Paul VI. The temple has a basilical plan, with a single nave covered by a barrel vault with lunettes and four side chapels. It was designed by Aurelio Gómez Millán in the Andalusian baroque style in response to the will of the Governing Council.
The Basilica is accessed through a portico that combines an arch and a lintel supported by marble columns, above which there is an entablature in which there is a niche that houses the sculpture representing the theological virtue of Hope. 

The museum of the Macarena Brotherhood is the second most visited in Seville. These modern and accessible facilities are intended to highlight the important artistic heritage that the brotherhood has after more than 400 years of history.

Arranged over three floors, the museum begins by telling the visitor about some of the most outstanding milestones of the brotherhood. In successive rooms, the visitor can observe different elements of the passage of the Virgin, some of the Nazarene's tunics, as well as the two completely assembled processions, which allows the visitor to stop and contemplate the infinite details of carving, goldsmithing and embroidery in which there is no time to notice the typical Madrugá throngs. 


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